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Showing posts from January, 2020

Nest ASDK on a VM ( Azure Stack Development Kit )

  Nesting Azure Stack Development Kit on a VM (ASDK) This is the post on my new blog started 2020, I wasn't sure what to blog about, so I referred to my most recent project which was testing Azure Stack Development Kit. I don’t have the hardware in a lab to run it, so I was forced to nest ASDK on a VM. I searched & reference a lot of websites/blogs & had to alter more than what was suggested. Some of these references got me 50%-60% of way but I had to scrub logs and resolve issues one at a time and then rerun the installer. So, I’m consolidating that all into this one post hopefully making this a much simpler process, with new versions of ASDK installer files being uploaded & different hypervisors being used this could work 100% or get you most of the way. What i will show is how to check the installer log which will reference the errors on script that you can either # out or edit to satisfy prerequisites.