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Showing posts with the label threat hunting

Orchestrating Cybersecurity Resilience: Veeam & Wazuh Custom Integration

  Orchestrating Cybersecurity Resilience: Veeam-Wazuh Custom Integration In the ever-evolving landscape of cybersecurity, organizations face the ongoing challenge of bolstering their defenses against various threats. One crucial aspect of this defense strategy involves the integration of security tools that can work seamlessly to detect and respond to potential risks. In this blog post, we will delve into the fusion of two powerful tools: Wazuh, an open-source security information and event management (SIEM) tool, and Veeam, specifically exploring the recent addition of the Incident API in the V12.1 release.

Zero to Hero: Crafting Rules for Cyber Resilience!

 Zero to hero YARA rules In this follow-up to a previous blog I wrote on exploration of threat hunting with Veeam & YARA , in this blog I want to go into detail on how to create, maintain & test YARA rules. Checkout my previous post here: Threat Hunting with Veeam : Leveraging Yara for Incident Response (

Threat Hunting with Veeam : Leveraging Yara for Incident Response

Threat Hunting with Veeam : Leveraging Yara for Incident Response  Introduction : In Veeam version 12.1, a significant addition to its feature set is the enhanced security functionality. Among the standout tools for incident response, Veeam introduced Inline Scanning with Entropy analysis and integrated Yara for post-backup examination. This article delves into the power of Yara and demonstrates how it can be a vital asset in the arsenal of cybersecurity teams. Understanding Yara: Yara is a versatile and indispensable tool in the field of malware analysis. It is a staple in most cybersecurity professionals' toolboxes. YARA rules are customizable patterns used for identifying specific malware, targeted attacks, and security threats tailored to your unique environment.